Starting on the 1st August Akai Professional has teamed with Eventide to give away a FREE download of Eventide’s Blackhole Classic Reverb Effect with an Akai MPC Touch or Advance keyboard purchase. This offer is available for a limited time and is available to both new customers and existing users!
Not only that, Akai have also announced a price drop for their Advance 25 keyboard; a massive £60 saving, now £239!!!
Eventide – Blackhole Effect
The Blackhole reverb allows for outer worldly sounds to be incorporated into your music. Not only does it allow for space-warping special effects and drones, but also it can create soft musical and unique effects which are simply ideal for ensuring an essential instrument stands out or providing an undertone throughout the mix, something not thought possible in the real world. One of its more prominent features is it allows you to focus on strings, guitars, and pads through the soft attack and lingering harmonic tails. Additionally, the effects can provide an angelic sheen to vocals or an unearthly rhythm section to a drum track. Blackhole Reverb will certainly get your creative juices flowing and add that ‘little something different’ to your tracks.
Akai Advance Keyboards tighten the gap between the hardware and software divide. This is due to transforming the computer based plugins into a hands-on, user-friendly piece of equipment. The technology built into Advance Keyboards ensures complete flexibility and full control.
Each of the keyboards includes a 4.3-inch, full-colour display (which provides immediate control and feedback of all virtual instruments and effects) and numerous key controls. The screen automatically changes to the chosen plugin controls, enabling 1:1 direct access to the effect/instrument and a huge number of editing functions. The Advance Keyboards are available in three different sizes 25, 49 and 61 keys. What’s even better is you can now purchase the 25-key Advance Keyboard for only £239!
Any of these Akai Keyboards and Virtual Instrument Player (VIP) Version 2.0 works with all supported VST virtual effect or instrument. As a result, the whole VIP library can be controlled through one application. The VIP version 2.0 app is available as a plugin, for any long-standing Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), or software, for use on both PC/Mac.
The MPC Touch is a top of the range production unit which provides music producers with a powerful and innate workflow. The Touch includes a 7-inch colour touchscreen where users can draw midi events, add effects, pinch and grab waveforms, chop samples, adjust envelopes and more. Also included are 16 velocity sensitive touch pads, onboard phrase looper and touch sensitive controls. Overall, the unit has the feel of a classic Akai MPC while combining future production equipment features.
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