This tutorial will show you how to prepare your video files, get connected, and use Resolume video software with Denon DJ’s Prime series. For optimised computer and hardware performance, MP4 files should be converted to the Resolume DXV codec; you can do this with the free Alley software which can be downloaded directly from the Resolume website.
Once downloaded and opened, drag a video file into the main window, now click convert at the bottom of the screen which will open the convert window. The fastest and easiest way to convert your files is to select the preset ‘DXV Normal Quality No Alpha’, leave size, sample rate and the bit depth settings as ‘Same as Source’, and ensure the audio box is left unticked. Select a destination folder for the video to save to, and click ‘Queue File’ which will start the conversion to the DXV format which will be converted with the .mov suffix and named as you saved it. MP4 files will sync and load into Resolume, ensuring the audio is disengaged in the clip panel; however, this usage is not recommended for accurate AV sync and performance playback.
Using Denon DJ’s StageLinQ protocol, the Prime series hardware can connect to Resolume, and playback synchronised audio to video. This example makes use of a Prime 4 controller, however, this process is the same for the SC5000, SC5000M, and X1800 hardware. Using a standard network cable connect the SC5000, SC5000M, or the Prime 4’s link port to a computer running the Resolume software; at this point, it is recommended you switch off your computer’s Wi-Fi connection. If you are running the SC5000/M media players with the X1800 mixer, connect the media players as standard and connect the network cable into the X1800’s PC port.
Now power up your Prime series hardware and launch the Resolume Arena software. In this example, the Prime 4’s decks are represented as players and can be seen in the Arena till bar. You will notice the application mirrors the decks selected, colours too, for quick visual indication. If you cannot see this mirroring head to the view tab and select ‘Show Denon StageLinQ’. Let’s start with an empty composition and load in a couple of videos to control with the Prime 4. Simply drag a song video into an empty clip slot, we’ll use layer one in this instance. Now load the associated track into a deck on the Prime 4, here we’re using deck 2. You’ll notice the channel fader movement is mirrored in the Arena till bar. Now drag player 2 from the till bar, with it’s already loaded an audio track, on to the top of the video file, this stamps the audio file association to that video so when you load that song the visuals will synchronise with the correct video.
Before we go any further, we’ll need to optimise some settings to make playback a bit more performance efficient. Right click player 2 and set the target layer as layer 2, set player 1’s target layer to layer 1. By setting a player target layer it doesn’t matter which layer the video is placed in position wise in the composition, its actual visual output will always be layer determined by the Denon DJ player itself. In the clips, the transport section ensures the default player non-specific ‘any’ player position is selected.
Next, you’ll want to right-click the partnered files and change the target to ‘Denon Player Determined’. Now when you play a track with a video assigned to it inside of Resolume and push up the channel fader, you’ll hear the audio and see the music video in Resolume’s output monitor window. Sometimes a music video will not be in sync with the song’s audio, this could be caused by a number of factors, but to resolve it use the videos ‘Offset’ adjustment. Add a negative offset if your audio is ahead of the video and use a positive offset if your audio is lagging behind the video. To get visual playback on an external source such as a projector, LED screen, or monitor simply plug in the device and in the output menu, select ‘Display 2’ as an output. Please note that your computer display preferences need to be set up for side by side configuration with mirror displays switched off.
Let’s repeat the process for a second video so you can mix between songs while their music videos play and mix inside Resolume. Together, the timecode-based frame by frame accuracy of StageLinQ, and Resolume, operation enables other dynamic DJ performance techniques using the Prime series hardware. Watch the video to see the exciting audio/visual possibilities with loops, hot cue juggles, rolls, slicer, and backspin. Don’t forget Prime series owners can get 20% off the purchase price of Resolume Arena at
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