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Experienced DJs demand specialised Cartridges and Styli that can help them push their creativeness to the edge – consistently testing the boundaries in the realm of Scratch, Turntablism and DJ performance. Ortofon Understand this, and with their considerable expertise in industrial design and technological know-how, they have crafted the new Ortofon VNL cartridge – a model expertly designed to withstand the unrelenting demands of modern turntablists and portablists.
Experienced DJs demand specialized Cartridges and Styli that can help them push their creativeness to the edge – consistently testing the boundaries in the realm of Scratch, Turntablism and DJ performance. Ortofon Understand this, and with their considerable expertise in industrial design and technological know-how, they have crafted the VNL.
VNL cartridge features many improvements including added resistance to hardcore scratching and back spinning, world-class high tracking performance for both Digital Vinyl System (DVS) usage and real vinyl, and offer the optimum balance of output and sound. There have also been some significant improvements on the technical side of things, including the ultrasonic welding of the components which ensure high rigidity and reduce unwanted resonances.
To match the various applications of the modern Scratch and Turntable DJ, Ortofon's VNL Cart features three different styli accessories (sold separately) with suspension types of feel and rigidity, Flexible, Rigid and Firm. DJs can quickly determine which stylus type best suits their DJ style and facilitates their overall best performance possibilities.
The VNL Cartridge features a spherical stylus which is ideal for tough groove handling. Besides, it will reduce record wear when scratching and back-cueing to the bare minimum.
The broad stance of the Cart features trustworthy and reliable design elements that Ortofon are renowned for, with colours carefully selected to emphasize durability and DJ aesthetics: the cartridge body has been created to provide effortless mounting and alignment on a variety of headshells.
Ortofon VNL provides exceptional compatibility when used on a range of playback systems, guaranteeing it stays in the groove at all times, even under the most challenging conditions.
Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force:
Compliance, dynamic lateral:
Other Technical Information
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02380 784500.